The Academy is making it known to the community that learning and a safe school environment are essential. The partnership with Appalachian State University is positively influencing our students and will continue to do so through the rest of their educational careers.
Abigail Kirkman, originally from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, earned a B.S. in elementary education and an M.A. in human resources from Western Carolina University in 2011 and 2019 respectively. She currently serves as a Kindergarten teacher assistant at the Academy. Kirkman also serves on the school’s Green Team and Communication Team. Read on to learn more:
Why did you choose to work at the Academy?
I wanted to be a part of something bigger. This is a great opportunity for our school, students, and to grow professionally.
What's your favorite part about working at the Academy?
The students! They are amazing and it is great to see them grow and get excited about learning.
How are you impacting education in your community?
The Academy is making it known to the community that learning and a safe school environment are essential. The partnership with Appalachian State University is positively influencing our students and will continue to do so through the rest of their educational careers. I believe that graduation rates will be higher and the likelihood that these students will go to college will increase as well. Some of them already want to go to App State.
What was your favorite subject when you were in elementary school?
The Academy has a reading literacy focus. What is your favorite book?
To Kill a Mockingbird
“Learning together” is a core commitment of the Academy. What does "learning together" mean to you?
Learning together means that the staff works together as a team.
Describe an experience where you "learned together" at the Academy.
On my team - the Kindergarten team - we collaborate and plan together. When we are in this together, we can achieve more.
Just for fun, what is your favorite candy?
HARIBO® Goldbears® Gummi Bears
Stay tuned and watch for new Academy Staff Spotlights each month.